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Bob Dylan 一天抽多少根烟?

时间:2024-04-30 21:14:01|浏览:


60年代处在事业最高峰的他是绝对的大烟枪,纪录片《Don't Look Back》里吞云吐雾的镜头随处可见。当时Sheffield University Paper 有这么一篇专访 ,里面写到:

He answered our questions in his room at the Grand Hotel, perched on the edge of a couch, a cup of black coffee in one hand, a cigarette (Player's, untipped) in the other...

(迪伦在Grand Hotel的客房里接受了我们的采访。他一手端着清咖啡,另一只手上夹着没有过滤嘴的Player香烟,坐在沙发沿上……)


As Dylan spoke - in a soft drawl, smiling only rarely and fleetingly, sipping tea and chainsmoking cigarettes - his unspeaking friend chuckled and nodded appreciatively from the side lines. (迪伦拖着绵软的嗓音说着,脸上的微笑难以捕捉。他呷着茶,香烟一根接着一根 - 他的朋友都默默地在一旁听着,只是点头应和,不时笑出声来。)

69年左右迪伦短暂戒烟,《Nashville Skyline》这张专辑收录的歌唱腔比起以前要温和很多(可以听《Lay Lady Lay》 ),所以人们普遍认为戒烟是为了改善嗓音。不知道是不是因为类似的传闻太多,他就又给抽上了。

《花花公子》78年的采访 里还提到了这个问题,并说他现在"smoke a lot":

PLAYBOY: Someone said that when you gave up cigarettes, your voice changed. Now we see you're smoking again. Is your voice getting huskier again?

DYLAN: No, you know, you can do anything with your voice if you put your mind to it. I mean, you can become a ventriloquist or you can become an imitator of other people's voices. I'm usually just stuck with my own voice. I can do a few other people's voices.

时间到了85年,找到一篇深度访谈 ,发现他还在抽:

He gets a cup of coffee and sits next to me on the couch. He has a pack of Kool cigarettes in his chest pocket and smokes maybe five or six while we talk.


老爷子时期的迪伦呢?这篇博文 提到了迪伦在最近巡演的烟瘾(根据文后的回复可以确定是07年的事):

A few minutes later my manager called me from Dylan’s King Suite and asked me to come help clean it (the mixture of cigarette smoke, cigar smoke, and marijuana smoke was quite pungent). (迪伦离店没几分钟我老板就从昨晚他待的那间豪华套房打来电话叫我上去收拾残局:房间里香烟、雪茄、大麻的味道实在呛得可以)





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